Rss Feed

In this article I will show how to add this site’s rss feed. In particular, we will be using NetNewsWire as the rss reader.

What is an RSS Feed

An RSS feed will show you new posts, generally from a blog, without having to remember to check the website at regular intervals or signup for an email list for notifications.

NetNewsWire puts an RSS feed as:

It’s like podcasts - but for reading.

You consume an RSS feed, using an RSS reader application or extension in your browser.

Step One

First find and download an RSS reader, you can download NetNewsWire for macOS from the link, or for iOS from the AppStore .

Step Two

Add the rss feed to stay up to date when I publish new articles.

  1. Click the plus in the right side of the sidebar and select New Feed...
  2. In the URL field add:
  3. Optionally give it a name
  4. Click the Add button.

rss gif

That’s it.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.