Introduction This post is a quick example of creating a very basic todo web application using Vapor a swift web framework and Htmx, with no custom javascript required.
Vapor Htmx Getting Started To get started you must install the vapor command-line tool that will generate our project.
brew install vapor Next, generate the project using the vapor command-line tool.
vapor new todo-htmx --fluent.db sqlite --leaf The above command will generate a new project that uses an SQLite database along with vapor’s Leaf templating engine.
This is a hot take kind of article, but here it goes the rant.
This applies to me and you. I’m writing this to remind myself somethings that I too often take for granted. I am going to preface this whole article by saying that everything I’m going to lay out / mention is something that I am personally guilty of. This is an open reminder and call out of things that I feel should change.
In this article I introduce PGP and show a use case for me, which perhaps you can use as well.
What is PGP PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, it was first developed in 1991 by Phil Zimmermann. PGP uses cryptographic privacy and authentication and is generally used in data communication.
According to Wikipedia it’s name was inspired by a grocery store named, “Ralph’s Pretty Goody Grocery” featured in radio host’s Garrison Keillor’s fictional town of Lake Wobegon.
In this post, I’m going to show how to setup a Samba server on a Ubiquity UNVR so that it can be used as NAS (network attached storage). Be aware that this should be done with caution and may void any warranty on your UNVR as we are using it for purposes beyond it’s original intent. It’s also possible that this setup will break when / if updating the UNVR software.
Elevating HVAC: A Skilled Trade Beyond Labor This is a guest post from my good friend, Ty Branaman.
Introduction: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is often mistakenly categorized as a simple labor job, overshadowing the intricate skill set and technical expertise required in this field. Labor jobs are also very important positions needed to keep society running. HVAC, like other skilled trades, demands a high level of knowledge, precision, and adaptability.
It’s hard to believe that another year has passed and that we have finished the 5th annual symposium, hosted by Kalos Services in Clermont, Florida. This is the event of the year for me, the one that I always look forward to. This event always fills me with inspiration for the year to come. It is were new ideas are formed, problems are revealed, solutions are curated, and most importantly relationships are forged.
This short tech tip is about something one of my good friends in the trade told me a long time ago, that has stuck with me through the years. It is a simple phrase / mindset.
“The current job you’re on, is the most important job of your day”.
This mindset should be carried from the dispatcher, manager, and technician to make this successful. I’m not gonna lie and say this is always easy, or even always possible, but if you strive to use this mindset then you will gain lifelong customers and satisfaction of not having loose ends hanging out there.
This post is going to be hard to put into words, it’s going to seem egotistical at points, but know that my actions / feelings online are the same as they are if you met me in person. The problem with online interactions is tone and other subtleties do not come across, so it’s hard to tell when someone is joking or being serious.
The Meat It has been brought to my attention that someone out there thinks that I’m sexist and should not speak at the HVAC School symposium because of it.
This is a piggy-back article off of The Struggle article that I had recently.
I was a bit of a “Debbie Downer” in that article, which is okay, I get that way sometimes. In this article I’d like to take a minute to layout some of the things that give me hope, things that I focus on to try and kick myself out of the rut I can get into sometimes.
This is an article that I wrote back in 2020, but I don’t believe that I published it anywhere, so I’m doing it now. I did discuss this on this episode of the HVAC School Podcast. Heat Recovery Chillers I have always had a love and passion for hydronic systems, perhaps it’s because they are not that common in most areas. The designs tend to be elegant and the flexibility is unparalleled by most equipment choices currently available in the U.