Most Important Job

This short tech tip is about something one of my good friends in the trade told me a long time ago, that has stuck with me through the years. It is a simple phrase / mindset.

“The current job you’re on, is the most important job of your day”.

This mindset should be carried from the dispatcher, manager, and technician to make this successful. I’m not gonna lie and say this is always easy, or even always possible, but if you strive to use this mindset then you will gain lifelong customers and satisfaction of not having loose ends hanging out there.

I do think it’s also important to acknowledge that there are times that a technician has exhausted all their options, maybe they just don’t have the mental capacity anymore to continue with a problem job, or need a break to come back another day with a fresh set of eyes, etc… This is also an important thing for a technician to realize, and hopefully those type of instances are much more few and far between, but I do want to acknowledge that scenario does also exist.

If you are a business owner, then this is something to consider instilling in your operations. Empower your technicians and dispatchers to understand when things need to be shuffled around in order to accommodate taking care of the customer at hand. It costs a lot of money to get a technician to job, so minimizing truck rolls to the same job is important from a business standpoint.

This was just a quick tech tip of something that has been rolling around in my mind lately. I hope you find it helpful and it sticks with you through your career as it has mine.

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