
This is a piggy-back article off of The Struggle article that I had recently.

I was a bit of a “Debbie Downer” in that article, which is okay, I get that way sometimes. In this article I’d like to take a minute to layout some of the things that give me hope, things that I focus on to try and kick myself out of the rut I can get into sometimes.

I believe it’s important to have hope, to realize that feeling down is normal / part of being human. It’s just as important to have hope. For some it is a harder thing to focus on, it may be easy for us to try and dwell in negative feelings, to some that may feel more comfortable. When we’re feeling cynical, it’s easy to feed the negativity, although it’s rarely helpful.


One of the things that I try to focus on is that I’m human, it brings me hope to realize that I’m not the only one who feels the way that I do. This was evident by the feedback on my previous article.

My problems are very much “first world problems”.

Make no mistake, I’m selfish, but it’s the selfishness that makes me feel distant or disconnected. The times that I feel connected are without a doubt the times that I let go of my ego and focus on things outside of myself.

It’s the feeling I get from going to customers home and feeling truly appreciated. There’s no push back on price, no one telling me how I should run my business, no “the part only costs $x on amazon”, etc.

The feeling of seeing your child smile. The safety you feel when getting a hug from your mother or father. When you’re looking up at the stars and realize how small you actually are.

When you’re out with friends and trick the DJ into playing a Mr. Bungle song and no one else appreciates it, but you. The times when your guard is completely down and you laugh with abandon.

The smell of your lover’s hair when you’re holding them close. The joy you receive from sitting with your pets. The songs of nature, insects, birds, etc. The sounds of waves / water in the distance.

The feeling when you’ve helped someone learn a new skill, when something finally clicks and makes sense. When a complex topic is understood at a fundamental level. The breakthrough of a problem you’ve pondered for days / months / years.


There are so many things to be grateful for. This does not mean that there will not be hard times, there surely will be. This does not mean that you are wrong for having negative feelings, for feeling depressed or anxious. There are many around you that likely feel similar (they may just not be able to express it in the same way). You never truly know what the person next to you is dealing with. Be compassionate (including showing yourself compassion).

When you are feeling down, try to do something for someone else. Make your own list of things to be thankful for. Maybe my non-exhaustive list above will give you some ideas. Write those items down regularly so that you can look back on them when you feel out of balance.

There is plenty of negative energy in this world, be true and genuine and you will receive rewards. When you focus on blessings then the negativity will fade.

What impact are you going to leave with what little time we have?

I hope that you enjoyed this short article. Know that you are NOT alone, you are important, and that I appreciate you!

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