Cancel This

This post is going to be hard to put into words, it’s going to seem egotistical at points, but know that my actions / feelings online are the same as they are if you met me in person. The problem with online interactions is tone and other subtleties do not come across, so it’s hard to tell when someone is joking or being serious.

The Meat

It has been brought to my attention that someone out there thinks that I’m sexist and should not speak at the HVAC School symposium because of it. They are holding a curse word against me that I said two years ago, in the moment A) it was fitting and B) it was one of those times that my mouth was working faster than my brain (raise your hand if that’s ever happened to you).

I am an open book, I am not afraid of showing failures and strengths. I’ve never claimed to be perfect (well, actually I have but it’s always a joke). I’m not at all condoning what I’ve said in the past, nor will I repeat it out of context now, but I communicate with people like adults and I look at people as piers. We do not always have to agree with one another, conflict helps us learn where to grow, but we also can not expect people to change to fit our wants / needs, that’s just not how it works.

I do not at all agree with the tactics used by whomever is behind this. I would happily discuss this in private or out in the open. You can find all my contact / social information in the sidebar of this website and I’ve offered up my cell phone number in private groups that we are all probably a part of.

The Potatoes

I am a father of 3 girls, I have a sister, talk crap about my mom and you’ll find out who I am! I love women, I have no problem with women in the trades, I encourage women who are in the trades. I try to help every person that I can, if I can. I have failed more times than you can imagine! I am self taught in about everything I do, so I give of it freely. I have all kinds of work to do to grow into the man that I should be, but at the same time, I am not afraid to be the man that I am today. I will greet you by whatever pronoun you want to be referred as.

I would love to say that I don’t judge people, but I do, just as I’m being judged! I am fine with someone judging me and having opinions about me, I mean that is our right. I will not say that person is wrong, because in their mind they’re right. What I will not do is stop being myself. I know for a fact that I’ve helped more people than this person has gotten “cancelled”. I will continue to help people in the trades, homeowners, or people in need. I also will not remain quiet! I will give my opinion like it or not. There are people in my corner that really know me and my intentions.

Final Words

The trades are rough around the edges, just as am I. The trades are a slow turning ship (just look at how many still do not follow proper practices, etc. even with the capabilities and resources available today).

If you are new / coming into the trades then I hope you are not overly sensitive to foul language and other inappropriate comments. Thick skin is valuable in the trades, but at the same time don’t be afraid to speak up if something offends you. Remember we are adults, we can handle disagreements like adults (well, some of us can). Adults can learn from those of any age, they can reflect on their own behavior and make their own decisions.

I personally think that being offended is not a bad thing, it causes us to reflect / repair our foundational beliefs. I hope that we can stop with this “cancel culture” of today, stop hiding behind a keyboard, and be a diverse community.

To wrap things up, I just want to reiterate that I am not at all mad at whomever is behind this. To everyone out there who has shown me love and support, I greatly appreciate it.

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