This is an article that shows how to calculate the pounds of water removed from an air stream, given the entering conditions (return air stream) and the outlet conditions (supply air stream). This is useful in the field when you want to calculate the amount of moisture removed from an air-conditioner or a dehumidifier. This article assumes that you have knowledge of a psychrometric chart. If you do not have basic knowledge of the psychrometric chart, then here are a couple articles to familiarize yourself.
This is the first article in a series that explores the idea of a coil bypass strategy in an HVAC system. This article introduces you to a coil bypass strategy at a high level, future posts will dive deeper into the features, benefits, as well as the challenges of this style of system. What is a Coil Bypass A coil bypass is not to be mistaken for a zoning system bypass, where airflow is “relieved” from the supply side of the system back into the return.

Rss Feed

In this article I will show how to add this site’s rss feed. In particular, we will be using NetNewsWire as the rss reader. What is an RSS Feed An RSS feed will show you new posts, generally from a blog, without having to remember to check the website at regular intervals or signup for an email list for notifications. NetNewsWire puts an RSS feed as: It’s like podcasts - but for reading.